Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Welcome 2024

 It’s the last day of 2023 - New Year’s Eve is my least favourite day of the year because I feel like I’m in limbo …… between seasons, between months, between years! There’s an expectation of fun that I just don’t feel and everyone seems to have plans and I haven’t made any. I’ve never enjoyed celebrating with a room full of jolly strangers who all hold hands and see the new year in with the okey-Cokey! I’m much happier in perched in front of the TV being distracted until the madness passes.

I have been reflecting on the year and personally it’s been a good one - I’ve enjoyed our travels and there are plans afoot for more. I’ve achieved most of what I set out to do and it’s time to take stock of what and who I’m taking into 2024 with me. Sitting here I’m remembering my dad who died on this day and I’ve raised a glad to him. I’m giving thanks for the people who have been there for me during the year and letting go of those who have let me down. 

3 January 2024

Is this the longest week of the year or what? I seemed to have lost my mojo and need it back pronto! It rained for most of  New Years Day and much of it was spent watching horse racing. I realise that I’m not very good at doing nothing so yesterday I sprang into action starting with a bank issue I needed to sort out. On arrival I was told to take a ticket and be prepared to wait an hour…….an HOUR! So I said NO rather loudly in fact and went shopping instead followed by lunch and on my way out of the mall I  popped my head back into the bank which was by now quite empty …… and fifteen minutes later I was leaving and all was sorted out - YAY!

I have been contemplating my New Years Resolutions and narrowed them down to three ….

Declutter all areas of my life. Surplus possessions, people and unnecessary worry have no place in 2023. 

Put into practice all that I know about living a healthier life.

Limit my time on social media - which has become a real time thief! Get writing instead!