Sunday, March 10, 2024

A Peek at my Week


Is it really only four weeks since our return? It feels longer and I need another adventure! This is the first February that I have had in the Uk for a while and my memories of this time of year from long ago conjured up snow, ice, cold dark afternoons and steamed up windows from trying to get the washing dry (pre tumble dryer days). These days its much warmer - thanks to central heating and in fact so warm that I don't know why we buy winter clothes as everywhere you go has the heating cranked up to tropical temperatures while the nation waddles about in puffer coats. It drives me mad that we bundle up to walk from the house to the car and then sit in sweltering cafes, shops and pubs! 

Anyway ,,,,,, trying not to moan and today the sun is shining and in fact this week has been quite nice. I can feel that Spring is in the air and I am enjoying the spring flowers and watch the trees green up a little. It seems ridiculously early for magnolias and camellias to be in bloom but the earth is confused and has sprung to life because of the mild conditions so much so that the National Trust is very concerned about their blossom. If we have a frost now then the season will be ruined. We had a very pleasant walk around NT Nymans this week enjoying the daffs and a carpet of crocus and today I walked into town - not that there are any shops left - but I had a hair appointment. Town seemed to have an abundance of people walking around muttering to themselves and I looked at them expectantly thinking that they were talking to me but no - they are on their phones with their ear buds in chatting away with invisible people instead of wishing fellow citizens a good day. Nobody talks to one another in person these days! Its quite sad really!

Last week we went to a film depicting true events that happened in this town about seventy years ago when there was a person sending poison pen letters to neighbours. Wicked Little Letters - it wouldn't happen today as no one writes to one another and the price of a first class stamp causes people to use foul language. The film was very entertaining and somehow you get a thrill when you can identify the filming locations as just up the road - also I learned several new swear words - the mind boggles! We have also been to a French evening organised by our neighbourhood group where I wore a beret and ate Beef Bourginion - cant get more French than that :-)

In other news - we have joined a golf club - with no intention of playing golf but we have already enjoyed a tasty Sunday lunch there and have signed up to attend a comedy evening. Here's hoping that membership will enhance our social life and that other members don't swan around with their ear phones in muttering away!