I sleep around! On this trip alone we have stayed in 12 hotels and B&Bs - all of them 4* plus. Some modern, some traditional, all unique and most have been great! We have met some lovely people our experience has been warm and welcoming and I always give feedback when I leave. I love to give positive feedback and give it freely but I also like to give suggestions for improvements. We are currently in a lovely place on the coast with panaromic views of the Indian Ocean. Our room is fairly spacious, beds comfortable, good quality bedding and towels, a modern en suite ….BUT ……the room is spacious but cluttered.
There are five chairs in this room for two people FIVE! Two dining chairs, two wing backed easy chairs and a dressing table chair. There are two bedside tables plus a coffee table, plus a small dining table , plus a dressing table plus two wicker side tables …… that is toooo many tables! I think they would benefit from a visit from an interior designer as no one needs this much furniture and the common area is the same - guests are tripping over furniture and ornaments.
Here are some things that just drive me mad about some of places we have stayed.
1. Coat hangers that are attached to the rail that you have to wrestle with to hang your stuff up! I know people can take them but for Gods sake coat hangers are cheap!
2. Toiletries that are nailed to the bathroom wall - yes I know some people like to nick the soap but I am not one of them so stop treating us all like criminals.
3. Small cups that hold two sips of tea - please provide a mug or a decent size cup!
4. These days everyone is charging something, so fitted USB ports are a necessity not a nice to have.
5. Lighting is a hit and miss affair but I think hospitality should remember that guests are staying in unfamiliar rooms and to make them as bright, light and accessible as possible especially areas with steps and stairs. Reading lights are must!
6. I think it was in the local newspaper that a restaurant critic used to not only rate the food and service but also the loos! Well I totally support that - some loo paper in where we have stayed is almost see through! I want 5 star loo rolls!
7. Guest information should be friendly and welcoming - not written with Do’s and Don'ts like the riot act with penalties for smoking and stains in CAPITAL letters. It’s also good to have emergency numbers listed somewhere prominent for guests.
8. Those folding racks are great for unpacking and they fold up after use so aren’t taking up valuable space and guests do need somewhere to put their cases while unpacking and to store their empty suitcases (especially when there are five chairs and six tables in the room)
9. Cleanliness is non negotiable!
10. If you want your guests to return it’s a good idea to remember that we are here to relax and enjoy a break and not to act as if everything is a huge inconvenience to you. Hello if we are not here then neither are you!
We have stayed in some wonderful places so I’m not moaning at all but I think it’s a good idea that the hotel or b&b owner perhaps spends a night in the rooms that guests are paying for so they can feel the experience they are providing. In the same way that we should spend a night in the guest bedroom at home to make sure it’s comfy for our guests. What do you think?