Sunday, February 18, 2024

Back to the river


February already! I am about to get on a boat and bob around Knysna lagoon - something we did a couple of years ago. We are on our way back from Capetown having spent a week sightseeing with a friend and it was busy, hot, amazing and wonderful - Capetown never disappoints and it was wonderful showing it off to our visitor. We went to Kirstenbosch which was looking wonderful in the sunshine - very hot sunshine, and after a lovely shady walk we headed for the restaurant and wisely sat indoors but by the door to catch some of the breeze and caught it we did! The strangest of swirly breezes came up and blew my salad off my plate - now I know why its called rocket! It also blew an umbrella on a visitors head and wine glasses went flying and then all went quiet again - quite peculiar! We headed to the Waterfront later and were treated to South African dining - a braai - which was just what I wanted and an impromptu display of African singing and dancing which was magic.

The following day we headed up the mountain after an hour of queueing - there were two cruise ships in the bay and where the mountain is concerned you have to spy your chance as the conditions on the top are very temperamental. Once up there it was perfect and we enjoyed the views and an ice cream before an afternoon of retail therapy. The following day we had arranged a private tour to Cape point via Chapmans Peak Drive and Hout Bay and then a drive to the Cape of Good Hope where we enjoyed the antics of wild baboons on the road and I took my favourite photo of the trip of a mother baboon and her two young sitting in a protea bush. They posed quite happily for us but I wouldn't have risked getting too close, and then lunch at Boulders Beach and a visit to the penguins. It was a full day but a happy one and  we slept well that evening! Thursday took us to the winelands to visit two of my favourite - Boschendal in Franshoek and Stake Conde. We did a wine and chocolate pairing, a wine and cheese pairing and a champagne tasting - all delicious - before driving to Starke Conde in the magnificent Jorgenshoff Valley. I have been going there since Neil Ellis was the winemaker - it was not commercialised at all then and there was no charge for tasting and no frills other than the most magnificent scenery. Now they have tasting in the gazebo on the lake and serve delicious lunches at the Postcard Cafe. It was a really hot day 38C so we relaxed before driving back to have an afternoon nap. We had some wonderful meals out in Capetown and our friend commented on the high quality of food available - something that I took for granted when living there! We were sad to see our friend off the following day - we packed up the following day and made our way to Hermanus to relax in the most beautiful B&B right on the cliffs. We both love Hermanus as its small enough to navigate easily and yet there is plenty to do a short drive away. We drove through the Hemel and Aard Valley (Heaven on Earth) more wine tasting and a gourmet lunch at Spookfontein. I needed some TLC so spent an afternoon being pampered at the local spa and we relaxed the rest of the time.

Our time in Knysna was also spent relaxing - we stayed at St James on the point and its such a lovely venue that we wanted to make the most of it - we only ventured as far as Il du Pain which is a fabulous bakery and partisserie and Thyssens Isle has some lovely boutique shops which I made the most of.

The few days we had back in Port Elizabeth was a frenzy of activity to complete tasks that wed left to the last minute - banks, doctors. seeing friends and spending time with family - Phew - and packing. Needless to say I slept like a baby on the journey home (and I dont mean waking up every hour).

Now back by the river the first couple of days have been grey and wet as was my mood but the sun is shining today and although there are no elephants, giraffe or rhino on the horizon, there are Spring flowers in the shops and many Spring bulbs pushing through to remind me of sunnier days ahead.

We are already making plans for the rest of the year and I am hoping to get to Verssailles this Spring and perhaps a river cruise or a European city break is on the cards. Life goes on.......

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