Monday, July 15, 2024

Summer Time


Summer time - except it isn't sunny! This country is a different place when the sun shines - people get happy and smile occasionally, the summer roses spring to life and look fabulous against a blue sky and all is well with the world.  
Except summer doesn't necessary guarantee sunshine here and most days so far - and we are mid July - have been grey. No wonder the Brits go on holiday to sunny climes and go mad in the sunshine - as they say 'only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun!' A day out is meticulously planned here with many weather charts consulted before a commitment is made but we have managed to make the most of the meagre sunshine and have a few days out enjoying the nation's gardens courtesy of the National Trust and we have had a holiday to Scotland when expectations were naturally lowered as the sun seldom shines up there!

Our journey started with a few days in Derbyshire because we had never been there, because I have a niece who lives there and I wanted to connect with and because I have long been a fan of a photographer and nature enthusiast called Villager Jim. I had heard he had a cottage on his property and we booked to stay there in the pretty village of Furlow  - he is very elusive and I thought I may get to meet him or even get some tips but no - we never clapped eyes on anyone from the main house. The cottage was quaint but very small and we spent three days bumping into each other. It made me think of how in times gone by anyone lived in a one bedroomed 'hovel' and even had children in there! Anyway we soon got the hang of making ourselves smaller and navigating the minute bathroom and the village of Furlow was very pretty and had a great pub The Bull - and this is where we met a day catching up with my lovely niece and her partner and enjoying local life and gossip! 

Derbyshire is so pretty - a stone wallers paradise - it reminded me very much of the west coast of Ireland without the mountains but lots of sheep and farmland and down to earth folk. We explored Matlock, Matlock Bath,  Buxton and Bakewell -  where we enjoyed the famous Bakewell Tart. There was an abundance of birdlife in Foolow and we woke to birdsong every morning which was lovely.

We then travelled up to Kelso on the other side of the Scottish side of the border and stayed in a beautiful old castle with a spa and an outdoor swimming pool. Kelso is a pretty border town and consists of quaint shops, restaurants and bars around a large square. We enjoyed some shopping here as we had both heard there was to be SNOW - yes in June - on our trip further north in Scotland. Nick bought some warmer trousers - he wasn't tempted by the kilt on display in the window and I bought a warmer jersey. We then wandered into the smallest pub in the world - labelled a micro pub - it was packed - all of 6 people - that was all there was room for. While in there we had a phone call from the shop up the road to say Nicks trousers were ready - they needed taking up an inch - which was very good service indeed. Like stepping back in time! The two owners of the pub shared their joy of fly fishing and told us of a Kelso tradition where the locals mark the borders on horseback the following month. Civic Week . A pity we were not around for that as it sounded like something unique. We spent the following day at Flores Castle - enjoying the gardens and then we had a lovely day with our Scottish friends Fred and Kathleen to catch up on family news and old times. Each evening after dinner we enjoyed a fine Scottish whisky in the booklined library/bar served by a lovely young man with the red colouring in traditional dress. It was the event of the day - none of the whiskeys were too expensive and all quite different and whisky is great at loosening lips and we got chatting to the other guests and enjoyed their company. Kelso was lovely and that area is definitely a favour so we will return again next year.

We then headed further north up to Pitlochry - travelling through dramatic scenery to enjoy a stay in a gastro hotel called The Knockendarrack. Here we enjoyed the most amazing food and also the highlight of our Scottish trip - which I will tell you all about in my next blog!

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